(Vs. 9) "MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO COME TO ME SOON." Paul knew that the time of his death was at hand. There were many things that Paul needed to teach young Timothy for the glory of God and the good of the church. No matter that Timothy must leave his place of labor for a season, what he could learn from Paul in a short space of time would be profitable for a long period to all the churches. Those true servants who would labor in the gospel need to confer with older, wiser, and more experienced preachers. Time spent in learning is NOT LOST TIME.
(Vs. 10) Demas was a close companion and assistant to the apostle. He is mentioned in Col. 4:14 and Philemon 24. We do not know that he denied Christ or totally apostatized; for to leave Paul (who was in prison) fearing for one's own safety or for one's physical comfort is not necessarily to leave Christ. However, the phrase "having loved this present world" is alarming. Some believe that he came back. Let us always be ready to restore the fallen (Gal. 6:1-2). Crescens and Titus had gone away also but for good reasons and with Paul's consent; they evidently were sent to minister.
(Vs. 11) The beloved physician, Luke, who wrote the book that bears his name and "The Acts of the Apostles," was a constant companion to Paul in his travels and sufferings (Col. 4:14). "BRING MARK WITH YOU." Mark was with Paul and Barnabas earlier in their travels and parted from them, causing some differences between Paul and Barnabas, even separating them. Now Paul was reconciled to Mark and was desirous of his company and assistance (Acts 15:36-40).
(Vs. 12) Tychicus was evidently sent to Ephesus to supply the place of Timothy while he came to Rome.
(Vs. 13) "BRING THE CLOAK." Interpreters are not agreed on this, but most believe that with winter coming on (Vs. 21), the apostle needed his cloak for warmth. His books and parchments were especially important to him, for Paul was a diligent reader and student of the Old Testament and other books. Though he was old and near his end, yet he was mindful of his books and desirous of having them to read (II Tim. 2:15).
(Vs. 14-15) Alexander may be the same person mentioned in Acts 19:33-34. Definitely he is the one in I Tim. 1:20. Paul said, "He did me great wrong, and the Lord will deal with him for his opposition to the gospel and to His servant." Alexander was now at Ephesus; and since he was such a malicious blasphemer, Timothy was warned to shun him because he resisted Paul's message strongly.
(Vs. 16) At his first trial in Rome, none of his friends from Judea and Asia appeared to plead his cause nor to be a witness for him. Evidently they feared for their lives, as our Lord's disciples did when He was apprehended, forsaking Him and fleeing. Paul loves these friends and prayed that God would forgive them (Luke 22:32).
(Vs. 17) "BUT THE LORD STRENGTHENED ME." Paul does not boast of his courage and faithfulness but gives thanks to the Lord (Psalm 27:10). Though reduced to extremities, he does not give up nor lose heart; for he is supported by the grace and power of the Lord and is satisfied with them.
He was God's chosen vessel and instrument to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, even in Caesar's palace. Therefore, he was delivered by the power of God from the very jaws of death, from the hand of Satan, and from the hand of Nero, the Roman emperor. His deliverance was a miracle of God.
(Vs. 18) He declared that he had the same hope for the future, not that he would escape death altogether, for he must die: but he could not be vanquished by Satan nor turned aside from the ministry of Christ until his work was done and God's purpose for him was accomplished (Psalm 91:2-7). The believer does not trust in the flesh, nor stand by the power of men, nor fear what men can do. We are immortal until God calls us home, to Whom be all the glory forever and ever! Salvation is of the Lord from beginning to end!
(Vs. 19) Give my greeting to Prisilla and Aquila (Acts 18:2-3) and to the household of Onesiphorus (II Tim. 1:16-18).
(Vs. 20) Erastus was a steward or official in Corinth (Rom. 16:23) who went with Timothy to Macedonia but returned to Corinth to stay. Trophimus was an Asian of the city of Ephesus (Acts 20:4; 21:29).
(Vs. 21) Come to me before winter when traveling will be more difficult. All the brethren here wish to be remembered to you.
(Vs. 22) "THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BE WITH YOUR SPIRIT" to COUNSEL, and advise, to COMFORT under every trial, to SUPPLY with all grace, to KEEP from every enemy, and to FIT you for every service. God's favor and blessings be with you! Amen.