SGA II Timothy Lesson 9

Lesson 9
II Timothy 3:6-11

Henry Mahan

(Vs. 1) The false teachers described in the verses above work after the manner of their father, Satan. As Satan attacked the woman and not the man (the subtle tempter beguiled Eve and not Adam), so these, his instruments, work themselves into the affection of the weaker vessel (I Tim. 2:14). Every cult, sect and free-will Arminian denomination or church is dominated by women – silly, easily influenced women who like to be told that they are religious, holy and righteous! They reject the gospel of God's free grace and mercy for sinners in Christ, for they are full of the sins of self-righteousness and are led forth by a lust for new teachers, new doctrines and new heights of personal glory. The exaltation of Mary and the effeminate influence of Catholicism has led women to think that they are morally good and that men are bad! (Rom. 3:10:19.)

Vs. 7. Both the teachers and the captives of their humanistic religions are always learning driven by restless minds and curiosity, but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth in Christ. They learn about missions, prophecy, heaven, standards of morality and gifts of the Spirit, but never "how God can be just and justify the ungodly". They reform, but never repent; they pray, but never plead for mercy; they testify, but never turn to Christ; they boast of their faithfulness to religion, but never bow to the lordship of Christ. Without apology, I declare that where women reign in religion, they ruin! (I Tim. 2:12; I Cor. 14:34.)

Vs.8. We need not be surprised when adversaries rise up against our Lord to oppose his gospel of grace. Moses likewise had those who opposed him when he went to Egypt to deliver Israel. (Jannes and Jambres were the magicians put forward by Pharaoh.) Satan will use any vessel, any trick and any method to discredit the gospel. False teachers have corrupt minds with neither the glory of God nor the good of men as their goal, but are counterfeits and have no understanding of the doctrines of saving faith!

Vs. 9. The false teachers, hen may wax worse and worse in error; they may proceed to more ungodliness and deceive many, but they shall not deceive the elect (Mark 13:22, 23). They shall proceed no further than the magicians in Egypt. Though they did lying wonders, deceived the Egyptians and caused Pharaoh to harden his heart, Israel was delivered! The folly of an followers of false religions shall someday become obvious to everyone, as was that of the magicians. The destruction at the Red Sea glorified God's salvation, but it also revealed the folly of an who opposed him!

Vs. 10. What follows in this verse and the next is said in opposition to the preaching, practice and principles of these false teachers. Timothy was not ignorant of Paul's doctrine; he received it from God, it was the doctrine of Christ, of the Scriptures, and was preached by the other apostles. Timothy knew Paul's manner of life: he spent his time in labour (often with his own hands), his conduct was above reproach and he was fully separated to the gospel of Christ. Timothy knew Paul's purpose: it was open and manifest, not to obtain glory, applause or possessions, but that Christ might be magnified in his life and his death, and that men might be saved for the glory of God (Rom. 9:1-3; 10:1). Timothy knew Paul's faith, either his faith in Christ or his faithfulness in the discharge of his ministry. Timothy knew Paul's long-suffering, both towards the Jews who were open enemies and persecutors of the gospel and towards the weak brethren in the church whose infirmities he bore! Timothy knew Paul's charity, including his love to God, to Christ and to men (I Cor. 13:1-7). Timothy knew Paul's patience, in bearing all indignities, reproaches and persecutions for the sake of Christ and his gospel. Paul was not moved by these but persevered with courage and boldness.

Vs. 11. These incidents mentioned were not all of the afflictions and persecutions endured by Paul for preaching the gospel of Christ, but they took place in those areas where Timothy lived. He knew about them and heard about them from faithful witnesses. To the glory of God and for the encouragement of Timothy, Paul says, "God delivered me out of them all" (II Cor. 1:10, 11; II Tim. 4:17,18).

Henry Mahan
Ashland, Ky.