SGA 13th. Street Baptist Church Philippians Lesson 7


Lesson 7
Philippians 4:1-8

E-Mail - Henry Mahan

(Vs. 1.) "My brethren," not in the natural sense but in a spiritual sense, having the same Father', being in the same family, of the household of faith.

"My dearly beloved and longed for." Paul sincerely loved these people and longed to be with them, to fellowship and converse with them.

"My joy and my crown." He taught them the gospel and they were seals of his ministry and proof of his call. They were a greater joy and crown to him than anything that the world could offer. The fruits of a man's ministry are his converts and they are the best test of his ministry (Matt. 7:15.20).

"Stand fast in the Lord."

(Vs. 2.) Two women, Euodias and Syntyche (members of the church), evidently were divided over a problem. Paul takes notice of their conflict and exhorts them to settle it for the glory of God and to be united in fellowship and purpose. All believers should seek to preserve the unity of the church and to be of the same mind (Col. 3:12-15).

(Vs. 3.) This is evidently addressed to the pastor, who was to assist these women in settling their differences. These women were of valuable aid to Paul, Clement and others. Let us help bring people together, for the unity of the church and the glory of Christ are much more important than personal differences and disputes.

(Vs. 4.) The word "rejoice" is used ten times in this epistle. I pray that we may learn the word in heart and experience as well as in doctrine. There is always cause to rejoice in the Lord! Rejoice in his grace, which is always sufficient. Rejoice in his blood, which cleanses. Rejoice in his righteousness, which justifies. Rejoice in his love, which never fails. Rejoice in his providence, which works all things together for our good. Rejoice in his intercession, which is continual. Rejoice that your names are written in the book of life!

(Vs. 5.) The "moderation" here is not in eating and drinking, though this is certainly important. The word here is "Let all men (both in the church and out) see and recognize your humility, unselfishness, consideration and forgiving spirit."

(Vs. 6.) "Do not fret, murmur, nor be filled with anxiety over things (Ps. 37:1-8). Take your burdens, cares and problems to the Lord in prayer. In everything let your requests be known to .God, and do it with thanksgiving." I can never come to the throne for mercy except I already have mercies for which to be thankful!

(Vs. 7.) This "pence of God" is twofold.

"Passeth understanding." The natural man certainly does not understand this peace and rest which Christ gives. His soul and mind are in a constant state of unrest and turmoil. Neither do we fully understand the blessed peace of God which he in mercy gives us in Christ! We accept it by faith and rest in his promise.

(Vs. 8.) "Finally, brethren." In this matter of attitude and humble spirit, "think on these things!" Meditate on them. Consider and dwell upon them in order to put them into daily practice:

Henry Mahan is pastor of
Thirteenth Street Baptist Church
Ashland, Ky.