SGA Ephesians Lesson 2

Lesson 2
Ephesians 1:15-23

(Vs. 15.) Good reports had come to Paul of the Ephesians' "faith in the Lord Jesus". (They had seen the glory of his person and the fulness of his grace.) Paul also had heard of their love for all believers – Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, lesser and greater. Their faith was the cause of their love, the evidence of their justification (Rom. 5:1; John 13:35).

These two graces are inseparable. Faith and love go together and are found in the same persons. Where they exist, they cannot be hidden. Faith will confess and lean on Christ, and love will manifest itself in word and in deed (1 John 4:8).

(Vs. 16.) When we discover a work of God's grace in other people, it always leads us to two special responses:

In the next verses Paul gives us a summary of his prayers to God on their behalf.

(Vs. 20.) This power of God that quickened us and made us to live spiritually is compared with that power which raised Christ from the dead. Christ was raised for our justification as our Representative. We live because he lives, and we are free from sin because Our Surety, who bore our sins, is now free from them. But there is a likeness between his resurrection and our quickening.

(Vs. 21.) Christ, our Lord, is exalted far above all rule or authority, above all power and dominion in heaven, earth, or hell, and above every name that is named or title that can be conferred in this world or the world to come (Col. 1:16-18; Phil. 2:9-11). He has authority over all, especially his church!

(Vs. 22, 23.) Christ has all authority (Matt. 28:18; John 17:2). Christ is the supreme Head of his church. This headship is an honourable, glorifying gift to him as Mediator. But it is also a grace gift to the church, for he rules for our good, he performs all offices for our salvation and he communicates all good things to us (Ps. 8:6).

Henry Mahan
Ashland, Ky.